cheers and success2us Donna Piyak
Love ya
Monday, June 28, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Why jjoin me HUBZE.?letter from ceo
FIRST IT IS FREE.Could be funNow the test is join here than google your name in about a week. Brand you if you have a business on the net is the why.Why not grab your hubze card? thanks Donna

Hello Hubzers and net folk
I hope your weekends are off to a great start! I know mine is. I live in Tallahassee Florida and have seen some gators in passing, but yesterday took a kayak trip down the Wakulla river where I saw 6 alligators and 3 Manatees. One of the manatees actually came up to my kayak and was watching me. It actually let me pet it, and as we were petting it, she rolled over and showed her belly and let us rub it. What an experience!
So I know a lot of you are probably wondering where hubze is going, and what is going to make this different than sites out there like facebook and twitter. Well, we are going to be a hybrid of many sites. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and WordPress. We just have to get there...
We are on several email lists where we see all the things people really hate about facebook, and the things they really love, so we intend to take the good things from all these sites and remove the bad and also take YOUR ideas and make the best social site on the net...but one thing that is going to make us different is that WE are going to cater to the marketing community more.
This is going to be a social marketing platform like you have never seen. We are going to give you things of great value to pass out to people to fill your marketing funnel that they can get nowhere else, and when they sign up, they are your referral for life, so anything we promote on the site...if they buy YOU get credit...
This is going to be like we are all working together to build one big marketing list instead of all doing it separately and only one group benefiting.
See, all the big GURU's out there build big lists, and then when they have a new product come out, they blast the list and make lots of sales to you and people you know and who benefits? You're right! The people who own the list...well here at hubze we ALL will own the list.
I know it is taking awhile, and we are slowly getting there, but I promise you, this is going to be one of the biggest sites on the net when we are done and in full force. So start getting people to the site. Set up your hubze cards and get ready to start an explosion! We have over 30,000 people registered for their cards once they go public, and you beta testers have yours first so you are in a great position here!
Just to touch on this one more time...until we get the profile pages set up the right way, and the site ready for individual pages, we are not going to be approving blog posts, photos or videos. Sorry if this is not convenient, but you will see once the custom site is done why we did this.
Get out there and enjoy the rest of your weekend! Lets make 2010 your year!
letter from
David Foster | hubze ceo
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